Our Adventures with the Magic Tree House Books - Learning Activities & Ideas

I am so excited to share this new virtual book club for elementary kids! I am joining with several other bloggers to bring you learning activities based on the books in The Magic Tree House series!

I love the books in this series because they are full of adventure, education, and they are written so that young readers can succeed reading them. In the past, I've done a couple virtual reading clubs for preschoolers, so I was delighted when Cerys from Rainy Day Mum suggested a virtual reading club for elementary kiddos!

We are joining together with about a dozen bloggers to bring you learning activities based on the books in the Magic Tree House books every two weeks this year. The first set, based on Dinosaurs at Dawn, will go live this weekend!

I would LOVE to invite you to join us!! I made a little "passport" that the kids can "stamp" every  time they either finish reading a book or doing the activities you plan...or whenever you decide! The file below includes "stamps" for the first 8 books!

Speaking of the first 8 books, here is the current schedule for this semester (The yellow text will take you to the activity post. Images are Amazon affiliate links):

October 18: Pirates Past Noon

November 1: Night of the Ninjas

December 13:  Midnight on the Moon

Here are a few links to boxed sets (they're usually a better price than individual books):

Books 1-4:

Books 5-8:

Books 1-28:

Each week on the date of the (virtual) book club, I'll share some activities we've done to extend our learning along themes in the book. We often end up having a whole unit study based around books that we read as a group, so I'm excited to share these with you all! AND I would love to have you share what you're doing with us too! I'll be sharing our activities on Teaching Without Chair's Facebook page, and would LOVE to have you share your's too!

You will also find more activities on each theme on my friend's blogs! You should be able to find their activities all linked to these pages:

Let me know if you have any questions! You're always welcome to send me a note (preschoolpackets@gmail.com), leave a comment, or say "Hi!" on Facebook!

And if you're looking for more homeschool unit studies, be sure to check out our growing collection here!

Happy Educating,
Carla & the kids who don't sit still!
