Mighty Molecules Game - Chemistry Class - Homeschool Science Curriculum

This is the ninth lesson in the homeschool science Chemistry Class I am putting together for elementary and middle school aged students! Today we are looking at some of the most common molecules that you will find on Earth! Click HERE to see all the other lessons too!

This game is designed to help your kids connect the chemical formulas (for example, CO2) and the elements in some of the most common molecules (for example, carbon dioxide) around us. This happens by building sets of molecules that each contain the name of the molecule, the chemical formula, a card for each atom in the molecule, and a little information about the molecule. Each set has five cards in it. The eight molecules are carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen, silicon dioxide, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, and oxygen.

The sets are used to give players an advantage as they battle for control over the world! While you can use any playing piece you have (for example, preschool bear markers would work fine), I have included five playing pieces for a specific reason: the playing pieces I included are the 5 nucleic acid molecules that build DNA. It's not particularly important for most 5th-8th graders to know those molecules, BUT introducing your kids to vocabulary words that they WILL need in high school makes it much easier to learn when they do need it. Plus, it's fun to picture these little building blocks of DNA going to battle over the world!

You can download the game HERE!


* Mighty Molecules Game (download HERE)
* dice 
* scissors to cut the game pieces for the first time you use it

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to...
1- Explain what atoms are in a molecule given its chemical formula and a periodic table.
2- Name 3 common molecules and their chemical formula.


Print the game, cut out the pieces, read through the instructions with your kiddos, and play! Play several times!

Review/Final Discussion:

Playing the game is a review!  As you play, point out the information you're playing with--read the cards in each set that gets played.


This is the ninth lesson in my Atoms & Molecules Chemistry Class for homeschoolers!  Click HERE to get the rest!

And if you're looking for more homeschool unit studies, be sure to check out our growing collection here!

Happy Educating,
Carla & the kids who don't sit still!

Here is the printout for the subatomic particles!

Here is the printout for the edible atoms!

And if you're looking for more homeschool unit studies, be sure to check out our growing collection here!

Happy Educating,
Carla & the kids who don't sit still!
